about us



Our Vision is to provide positive life transformation of needy and orphaned children living in slum areas. Our Mission is to provide education, mentorship and basic needs to support the process of positive life transformation. To provide shoes for the needy and orphaned children. Our Objective is to support needy and orphaned children from slum areas through improving access to primary, secondary and tertiary education and other basic needs by rising, mobilizing and disbursing funds and other resources for the promotion of education and the needs of children.


Vine Harvest was incorporated in July, 2008. With various people asking how they can help and based on the scripture John 15:5, Vine Harvest Education and Shoe Foundation was formed and registered in 2011 to open up to other donors and provide opportunities for other needy and orphaned children. It is our prayer that many lives will be positively transformed through VHESF.



In July 2008 in Nairobi’s South B area, one of the co-founders of VHESF saw children crossing the road from the adjacent slum area to St.Catherine’s School, a primary school that supports the needy. It was a chilly morning but the children braved the cold with tattered uniform and oversize worn out shoes. After approaching the school’s administration to ask how she could help and support 5 children, the Head teacher gave a list of 11 students that were all needy cases. With the support of close family, 15 students have been provided for and the transformation process has begun which has been an exciting journey.


When we first began, our vision was to provide education and shoes to the poor especially from Mukuru slums. We would call our donors “Partners” and treat them like investors because our approach would be to invest together in long-term change. Our Partners come from individuals and institutions who believe there’s a better way and are working together to challenge the status quo.

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Vine Harvest
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